This 'Hat Man' has his hand on one of the ladies shoulders and that same lady died in a car crash within days of the photo being taken. Fact or Fiction? You Decide!
Infamous Hat Man Caught on Film?

As for the figure in question, some people have stated that by playing with the brightness and contrast that some of the information in the images background can be seen through the 'Hat Man'. This could mean this 'extra' figure is semi transparent.

Or.. it could be just what is stated... the infamous 'Hat Man' captured on film, a figure some believe is an icon of death and is capable of creating fear in the living.. fear to feed off of.
Was the Hat Man captured on film on the day of these womens mothers funeral?
Could it just be another family member or friend wearing dark clothing?
Maybe its an outright hoax, a image manipulation?
Or maybe something else entirely?
Fact or Fiction, you decide!