![]() Fremantle Prison was home to some of Australia's most notorious criminals, before it closed its doors in 1991. It has since become a popular haunt for those looking at experiencing the paranormal, and is quite well known for the dark, shadowy figures that call the now empty cell blocks home.
![]() Willard Library, Evansville, Indiana has its share of ghosts. Both an ‘All-Grey Lady’ and a Dark Mass seem to call this near 130 year old building home. The ghosts and hauntings are so popular, that the library has installed ‘ghost cams’ – a series of video cameras that monitor several of the library’s haunted hot spots, so you can watch from home. It is from these cameras that a number of strange images have been captured. Could these be the ghosts that haunt the Willard Library? ![]() When someone dies, does their spirit still hold the same fears and insecurities that they had in life? When Florence died in 1871, her mother had stairs built at the head of her daughters plot that led to her daughters resting place. A pane of glass allowed her to look upon the coffin. In life, Florence was afraid of thunderstorms, always running to her mother for comfort. The stairs allowed Mrs Ford to comfort Florence through the storms she so feared in life. ![]() Garth Homestead, in the Fingal Valley, Tasmania, is known not for the fear it puts into those who visit after dark, but rather the terror. It is a rare occasion indeed, for a paranormal investigator to last a full night. From a rejected mans suicide, to a drowned girl and her nanny, Garth has it all. It is unlived in, as those who have tried have never lasted long, always leaving due to the otherworldly inhabitants that do not like to be disturbed. Who could the spirits be that reside in the ruins? ![]() This photo, taken of the altar at the 'Skelton-cum-Newby Church of Christ the Consoler' in 1963, created a sensation when published. It was found in many books detailing the paranormal throughout the 1980's. The figure of a 'monk' standing to the right of the altar was not present when Reverend K. F. Lords took the photo. The Church had no stories or experiences of the paranormal, and to date no one has been able to explain who the figure may be. ![]() "It tastes like a cross between licorice and the most powerful of tasting cheeses" Over in Greenland you may find the locals eating something a little strange around Christmas time. They all it 'Kiviak', which is little more than fermented bird. To the outsider it might seem a little strange and of an acquired taste. This delicacy is considered one of the stranger Christmas meals around but it provides an essential food source when nutritional resources are scarce in the colder months. ![]() "It lies to her. It tells her things only a child can understand. It has been using her to restrain the others. To her, it simply is another child. To us, it is The Beast. " Poltergeist was released in 1982, and has been considered a horror classic ever since. Although largely a work of fiction, it is said that the movie, cast and crew, were cursed. Were the deaths of several key cast members the result of this curse? And what of the stories told of real human skeletons being used on set? ![]() In August, 1975, Diane Berthelot visited the St Mary Church in Worstead, North Norfolk, UK, along with her husband and son. They ducked into the church to get out of the heat. Diane took a seat on a pew towards the front of the church, while her husband took some photographs. It was not until they returned home, after the holiday, that Diane found this ‘extra’, dressed in old-fashioned clothes and a bonnet, seated behind her. ![]() Hastings House was built in the late 1700's, to serve as the residence for India's first Governor-General, Warren Hastings. It is now a college/university campus for women, and although Hastings has long gone, many say his ghost revisits this heritage building. During the night, a phantom horse and carriage will pull up out the front of the house. Soon a man will be seen inside, hurriedly moving from room to room. Many believe this to be the ghost of Warren Hastings, searching for some long lost documents. ![]() "Something beyond comprehension is happening to a little girl on this street, in this house. A man has been called for as a last resort to try and save her. That man is The Exorcist." Released in 1973, 'The Exorcist', based on a book written by William Peter Blatty, which in turn was loosely based on a real life exorcism, is said to be cursed. Tragedy, injury and even death all left their mark during production, and after it hit the theatres. |
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