Eventually, her past life family was located and Shanti Devi's memories - including many personal and intimate secrets - were confirmed by these family members from another life.
At about four years of age Shanti Devi began to share details from a previous life.
Eventually, her past life family was located and Shanti Devi's memories - including many personal and intimate secrets - were confirmed by these family members from another life.
In 1862, William Mumler, a jewellery engraver, discovered a faint shadowy human figure standing next to him, upon developing a self portrait. The Spiritualist Church claimed it was the first photograph taken of a spirit, and before long, Mumler left his engraving job to become a full-time 'Spirit Photographer'. Within a year he was brought up on charges of fraud... What happened at the trial to allow both sides to claim a victory? |
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