Was a dead 'witch' captured in this photo?
Fact or Fiction? You Decide!
A Creepy Photograph

However, when one of the polaroids finished its processing, it showed something inexplicable. There, in what was supposed to be a photo of one of the female realtors (head and shoulder shot) was something quite different. The framing had changed and now was a wider shot which showed a rather thin woman, in an old style dark coloured dress with quite wild and frizzy black hair.
This was not the same image as what was present in the viewfinder at the time the photo was taken.
This rightly confused the office workers who could not explain the image. Within a few years it started to be published in books. Soon people began referring to the image as a 'witch' and the reason for that is quite simple.

George Corwin eventually died of a heart attack in 1696. Corwin was not buried for some time as one of those accused during the witch trials was awaiting reimbursal from the crown of property he was forced to forfeit to Sheriff Corwin. His body remained in the cellar of his home until the legal issues were sorted and then the burial could take place. Maybe Corwin is doomed to spend eternity on that land with one of his 'witches' tormenting his soul?
Another version of these events has also popped up, that another employee of the realtor office had had a photo taken of herself and when it finished its process was shocked by what she saw. The same day a strange woman, as described as looking like the 'witch' in the photo, was seen a little while before it was taken.
There have been reports of many strange happenings at Joshua Ward House, sounds, voices, objects having been moved and of course the 'witch' herself.
Was a 'witch' captured in this photo?
Or is it just one of the workers, the polaroid photo misprocessing or the fact the photo was taken in front of a wreath and forgotten?
Maybe its an outright hoax?
Or maybe something else entirely?
(Diana Ross?)
Fact or Fiction, you decide!