Filmed in the deserted mining town of Glen Davis, New South Wales, the weather was bleak and the band and crew found the location to be eerie. Upon inspecting the finished product, they were shocked to find a ghostly extra, leaning against a concrete support, wearing dark clothing and a hat, yet missing a face.
A Ghostly Extra

The Australian band 'Wildland' filmed their self titled song 'Wildland' in the deserted mining town of Glen Davis, New South Wales, Australia. At the time of filming nothing untoward could be seen, but upon assessing the final product, all were shocked to find a mysterious extra in the video.
At about two and a half minutes into the clip, the scene shows the band walking through some of the ruins, while playing their instruments. In the background, you can clearly see the image of a person, leaning against a concrete support. They are wearing dark clothing and a cap.

During the video shoot, the band and the film crew were the only ones present. Glen Davis is deserted, and aside from a few tourists, there is no one around. As this was a film shoot, the crew were certain to make sure no one else was around that could get in the way of the shots, and they certainly do not remember anyone standing amongst the concrete pillars during the take.
The director of the clip remembers the day as being icy cold, and very overcast, as a storm was coming in.
All are certain the mysterious extra is no living person, but is probably the spirit of one of the many people killed during the days when the facility was in operation.
Deaths at Glen Davis

The miners made several bids to get their long working hours shortened, as lack of concentration due to fatigue, and the dangerous equipment, was a cause for many deaths. Most deaths were caused by fire, falls or injury caused by machine. There were also a few decapitations...
There was also a nearby town built for the facilities workers. This town could accommodate up to 1800 people, and it was here that a few more deaths occurred, including that of an 18 year old male who died in a house fire while trying to rescue another boy aged 8.
National Oil Proprietary Limited closed down the facility in 1952.
Identity of the Ghost?

One of these young priests took their own life in the deserted machine shop, the location of the music videos shot, showing the ghostly image. Could it be the dark robes of a priest that the figure is wearing?
(sorry about the picture quality of the ghostly extra but it is actually a video still captured from the music video itself. You can watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ehxii0OUDw
The scene is at about 2:30 in.)