Those who have looked into the buildings past mostly agree that the activity stems from when the building was a hospital, the morgue still located underground.
Strange Things Afoot in Parliament...
Staff have experienced a hand placed on their shoulder, but upon turning around, nobody is there, and a shadowy figure has been seen walking the halls. MP's and staff alike know of the ghosts, but what could be haunting this, one of Sydney’s oldest buildings?
We do have a newspaper article from the 'Barrier Miner, Broken Hill' concerning a death within Parliament House, on the 18th of March 1924:
Sydney, Wednesday.
Mr. Wahlberg, assistant to Mr.Quinn, acting librarian at Parliament House, dropped dead late yesterday afternoon at Parliament House. Mr. Wahlberg had been connected with the Parliamentary library for about 40 year's.
So we know of a long serving staff member of Parliament house who 'dropped dead' within the building, but what if we look back even further?
The Rum Hospital
Macquarie turned to a private contract with three people to provide the funding, one of whom was to be the hospitals first surgeon. Part of the contract also saw the investors granted a monopoly on Rum imports, and it is this fact that saw the hospital named 'The Rum Hospital'. It was completed and took its first convict patients in 1816.
Sydney did not have a population large enough to support such a massive hospital; Macquarie had overestimated the population growth. With large sections of it being under used, it was not long before parts were utilised for none medical purposes. Part of the hospital was appropriated by the Supreme Court, with the north wing turned into court chambers and a courtroom.
In 1829 the states legislative councils took up house in a majority of the North wing of the hospital, sharing it with surgeons. In 1852 the council took over the entirety of the building.
Do Things Stir Underground?
One part that has not been touched is the old hospital morgue located under Parliament House. It remains there, underneath the theaterette, untouched, bricked up and preserved. Maybe the undoubtedly many deaths that occurred in the hospital are cause for the shadowy figures seen walking parliaments halls.
Crying babies, a woman in a rocking chair and dark shadowy figures are other experiences people have reported.
How reliable can these stories be?
Well being as it is parliament house, a place full of politicians... well, lets just say you be the judge!