The Carey Mansion has its own interesting history, with ghosts and more than a few dark shadows of its own. Unfortunately, the experiences do not come with a two hundred year old vampire.
Dark Shadows
The mansion was perfect as the stand in Collinwood Mansion, an American Gothic styled home that, in the series, would play host to many strange goings on, and of course the hugely popular (with the fans of the show and more than few of the shows characters) Barnabas Collins.
Used for all of the external shots of the new Collins mansion, Carey Mansion has a history unto itself, and a number of its own resident ghosts.
Seaview Terrace
In 1907, Edson Bradley definitely had the money to do just this. He was a whiskey millionaire, and built his home in Washington D.C. The building took up well more than half a city block, and included a chapel, ballroom, theatre and some incredibly elaborate stained glass windows.
In the 1920's, Bradley relocated himself and his family to Rhode Island. Being that he was quite attached to his magnificent home, he had it dismantled into pieces and shipped across with him. However, the house was to grow somewhat, as the reassembled pieces were built around a house already on his new block of land (known as Seaview, and hence the new name for Bradleys Mansion 'Seaview Terrace')
Julia Bradley, Edson Bradleys wife, died in 1929, with her funeral being held in the chapel located within the mansion. Edson Bradley died five years later, while he was away in London.
Their daughter Julia inherited the house, but soon lost it when she was penalised for not paying her taxes. In 1949, the house worth well over $2million, was sold for just $8000.
Soon afterwards, the mansion started to fall into a dilapidated state. Although it was being used as a school for girls, the mansion condition was allowed to lapse somewhat. It was between 1966 and 1971 that the producers for the series 'Dark Shadows' thought the mansion was perfect for their show, and it was pressed into service for the external shots.
Ghost Stories Begin
She owned an Estey Organ, a fantastic piece of musical hardware, but unfortunately after she passed, and the house changed owners, the organ was allowed to enter a state of disrepair. The console was missing, making the organ no longer operational. This does not stop the ghost of Julia, who has been known to pipe up a tune or two on the organ - which can not be played.
In 1974, the mansion was sold to Martin Carey. Carey must have entered the deal without knowing what the full financial burden would be, and after costs for the buildings upkeep got a little too much, he leased it to the Salve Regina University who renamed it 'Carey Mansion', the stables 'Seaview' and the music hall 'Cecilia Hall'.
More stories of the ghosts of Carey Mansion once again popped up. Heavy footsteps have been heard in a room where a nun apparently hanged themselves, as well as, funnily enough, Dark Shadows haunting the corridors and staircases.