Just looking at her invites a sentence of being sliced in half.
Don't Get Lost Near The Train Lines!
As he winds his way through the cramped maze of city blocks, preferring to avoid the smog thick air of the main roads, he begins to feel as if he is watched. A mild paranoia sets in, as he has heard several strange stories about things taking place in such locations, so he increases his pace, his feet slapping in the puddles and on the damp ground.
The alley suddenly opens up into a small yard, several paths exit between other buildings. He is unfamiliar with this location, although he has walked this way - well, what he thought was this way - many times before.
The buildings climb to the sky overhead, lightless windows staring down at him - all except for one. The silhouette of a young woman is plain to see in the second floor window of one of the buildings. Although the back light casts her into shadow, he can still make out the delicate features of a girl of about his age, leaning on her elbows in the windowsill. He walks to her in the hopes of asking for directions, as he is undoubtedly lost.
The sudden sound of a train can be heard, the roar passing through the alleys. He must be near a train line... yes, definitely lost.
Smiling, he approaches the building the girl can be seen in. As he nears the base of the older brick and concrete structure, he clearly sees her face turn from a bemused smile to angry, sneering with a curled lip.
He is more than startled when she launches herself from the window. It’s not the speed and strength at which she leaves the building, but rather the fact that she is missing the bottom half of her body. As she arcs over him he can clearly see she has no legs, her entrails dangle from the ghastly slice that rent her in two.
She lands beyond him, facing the other way. She pulls herself to height, standing on her hands, her torso drooping below her. She stares at him, her long black hair passing over her face, yet he can still see she wears a face of pure contempt.
The boy screams and runs as fast as he can away from the girl, however soon, all too soon, he can hear her chasing him – teke-teke-teke-teke...
He does not stop to turn around to see how much she is gaining on him, each of her steps sounds closer ad closer – teke-teke-teke-teke-teke.
The alley starts to open up, he can see a fence ahead as well as the train lines. He passes the wasteland between the buildings and the line as fast as he can, the terrible sound of the 'creatures' slapping hands continue to make their signature sound -teke-teke-teke-teke.
At the last moment the boy jumps at the chain link fence and starts to scramble over it, but soon finds himself back on the ground. He blinks, pain shoots through his side, and the face of the 'girl' is looking directly into his.
He blacks out and passes away, not entirely sure what has happened.
The following morning a young school boy is found next to a fence that runs along the train lines. He has been cut in half and handprints lead too and from his corpse.
Who or What is Teke - Teke?
There are other versions, as with all urban legends, of who 'Teke-Teke' is. Some put her as a nurse, others as a girl who was murdered and finally as a girl whose death is accidental. Regardless of her origins, the fate of her victims is always the same – they are chased down and cut in half.
The name 'Teke Teke' comes from the distinctive sound she makes as she runs on her hands, or at other times her elbows, a 'tek, tek' sound with each hand fall.
In the early years of the legend, one would be safe by not venturing near train tracks alone at night, Teke-Teke would seek her prey near the location of her death. Unfortunately, as her death took place in a different location with each telling, one had best stay away from all train lines to be sure.
It is said there is no escaping Teke-Teke, for even if you manage to outrun her – a near impossible feat – she will find you and you will surely be dead within three days. Just glimpsing her is said to be a death sentence.
As with all good urban legends, and with Japanese cinema’s affinity with a really creepy story, the legend of Teke Teke was turned into two movies in 2009. You can find the trailers for these movies on youtube.
As with all urban legends what you believe is up to you.