The warning signs were there from when he was a child, but Chase’s mother chose to ignore them...
The Vampire of Sacramento

As a teenager, Chase was not unknown to the ladies, and did have girlfriends, but he couldn’t maintain a relationship because of his erectile dysfunctions. During a consultation with a psychiatrist, it came to light that he could not become aroused around ladies, and the cause of this was probably repressed rage or a mental illness. You’d think being told something like this would make him seek further help, but he didn’t, because he already knew that it was only through violent acts, such as mutilating animals and having sex with dead things, that he was able to achieve sexual release.
Chase’s delusions increased, and he began accusing his mother of attempting to poison him, and thus kill him. It was his increased aggravation with his mother that drove his father to purchase a unit for Chase, and move him in to it. Living on his own, Chase could get up to all kinds of things, such as capturing, killing and disembowelling all manner of animals, putting their entrails into a blender and eating them raw. He told himself that by doing this, he was preventing his heart from shrinking. In his sick mind, his heart was on the way out, shrinking to oblivion – and once it was so small it would disappear, he would die.

During his time at this institution he was prescribed a medley of medication, which turned him into a walking zombie. When he was so timid that he could hardly talk, he was released back into the custody of his parents, but his mother wanted her son back, so crazily weaned him off the antischizophrenic medication that was the only thing keeping him from doing what he would eventually do....
Before long, Chase was back to his old tricks of killing, mutilating and eating stray animals, such as dogs and cats. He also developed a macabre fascination with firearms, and bought himself several handguns, practicing his shooting in an obsessive capacity. His delusions started to turn towards a conspiracy which had him believing that Nazi’s (or perhaps UFOs) were storing poison under his soap dish in order to kill him, by turning his blood into powder... he also believed that the same thing was happening to the serial killer known as the Hillside Strangler.
Chase’s mental declination saw him lose all vestige of personal hygiene. He did not bathe, brush his teeth, and rarely ate, which resulted in him losing a vast amount of weight. One day he rang his mother’s doorbell, and when she opened the door, he was standing on her doorstep with a cat in his hands. As she watched he bit into the stomach of the cat and smeared its blood all over his face. His mother did not report this, she simply closed the door.
I could go on and on with all of the depraved acts Chase performed in relation to animals, but instead we will move on to the humans who were his victims.

On 11 January, 1978, Chase broke into the house to David and Teresa Wallin. David was at work, and Teresa, who was three months pregnant at the time, was home alone. Chase killed Teresa by shooting her three times. It was what he did next that was really shocking. Teresa’s body, after being brutally murdered, was then desecrated further by Chase having sex with it, mutilating it, and then bathing himself in her blood.
On 27 January, that same year, Chase entered the home of 38 year old Evelyn Miroth. Inside the house he found Evelyn’s neighbour Don Meredith, who he fatally shot at point blank range. He stole Don’s wallet and keys, before coming across Evelyn’s 6 year old son Jason who had fled into her bedroom at the sound. Chase ran after him, and on the way he shot Evelyn’s 22 month old nephew David in the head, and eventually caught up with Jason too, shooting him at point blank range.
He found Evelyn in the bathroom, having a bath. He shot her once in the head, killing her instantly. He dragged her body to the bed, sliced her open in various places in order to drink her blood, and sodomized her.
He did many other things to these bodies which I won’t go into, but it got much, much worse.
He was disturbed by a knock on the door, so he grabbed the body of the little 22 month baby and fled, driving Don’s car away from the scene. When he returned to his house, he mutilated and consumed the body of the baby, before dumping it in the grounds of a nearby church.

He was found guilty of six counts of first degree murder, and sentenced to die in the gas chamber. Due to his completely psychotic nature, he was even feared in prison. On 26 December 1980, a guard doing the rounds found Chase dead in his cell. An autopsy found that he had overdosed himself on prison issued antidepressant medication – a much gentler death than he deserved.