It is said that the odour of sulphur is present prior to an attack.
Raped by... Batman?

Description: A sodomy loving shapeshifter that changes between human and bat formation.
A fairly modern day evil spirit, the Popobawa is said to be responsible for sneaking into homes and sexually assaulting men and women. This devil has his way with sleeping adults…apparently engaging with men more than women. It is said that the odour of sulphur is present prior to an attack. The Popobawa attacks mainly at night, moving from house to house, inflicting deplorable acts on its victims. Victims are left traumatised and told by the Popobawa that they are to share the story of what happened to them because if they don’t he will repeat the attack again, staying longer and attacking more violently on each subsequent visit.
There was a flurry of attacks in the early 70s, 80s and mid 90s. The Zanzibar people were terrified, telling of their very real horrific ordeals. Menfolk openly talked of how they were raped by batman.
True story!
A victim reported feeling like he was having a dream but could physically feel ‘it’ pressing down on him. He stated that he could never have imagined the things this beast was doing to him. He screamed but had no sound.
Another victim reported that he knew it was not a dream because when he woke his whole house was in uproar. Stating that ‘it’ was not visible to him but those in his house with the ability to see spirit could see it and were terrified.
Attacks like these are said to be attributed to sleep paralysis. The victim is asleep experiencing a psychological phenomenon known as a ‘waking dream’. One of the characteristics of such a dream, known more technically as a hypnopompic or hypnogogic hallucination (dependent if one is, respectively, waking up or going to sleep), is a feeling of being weighted down or even paralysed. Alternately, one may be having an out-of-body experience. Other characteristics include extreme vividness of the dream and bizarre and/or terrifying content whereby they wake to having experienced a very real encounter with an evil entity.
To avoid attack, men will stay awake or sleep in groups outside their homes. Some will smear themselves with pig's oil, believing this repels attacks.