Dolls are creepy, especially older, cracked and broken ones, but whereas someone may shudder when looking at these pictures, those with the phobia will have a much larger, negative, reaction.
Creepy Buuildings Containing Creepy Dolls!

Many of the old buildings are home to dolls and mannequins. At times these artificial humanoid figures can put more of a scare in people than the ghosts themselves. I have seen people break down after their torch light passes over a mannequin... it gets even worse when that mannequin happens to be holding a doll.
For some it is the unexpected humanoid shape lurking in the darkness but for a few its what it is that is really scary... a doll.

For them walking through a toy shop can be a extreme excercise of willpower as such places are generally studded with plastic and cloth humanoid, childlike shapes with cold dead eyes staring back at them. At the more extreme those who also fear mannequins can avoid entire shopping districts as they are usually studded with fake humans displying the seasons current fashions.
The fear can come stem from multiple sources mainly either a traumatic event, usually during childhood, where a doll was the cause or a matter of focus during the event or psychological/brain chemistry that causes the individual to associate the image with fear.
Like all phobias symptoms of distress caused by the object can show as something minor as frustration all the way to a full panic attack. Also, depending on why the fear exists if the phobia is triggered it can cause an individual to snap and lose complete control of their anger or cause depression, crying and nausea.

If you are not a big fan of dolls here are some movies you might wish to avoid:
Dolly Dearest
(If you know of any other movies someone with a phobia should steer clear of, post in the comments below.)