He was charged with raping, murdering and eating at least seven women in the early 1980s, but the actual number could be as high as a hundred.
Metal Fang

If you asked anyone who knew Nikolai Dzhumangaliev to describe him, they would say he was a well-spoken gentleman, who was always neatly dressed and was clean shaven. They might tell you he came from a loving family, and had three sisters. They’d also have to mention his frightening smile though... you see, Nikolai was also known as ‘Metal Fang’ due to the fact that he had lost all of his teeth, and had replaced them with metal teeth (white metal false teeth that is).
Nikolai would go for walks along the river bank. If he was lucky, we would meet a young lady in his travels... In a romantic gesture, he would walk with them, wooing them with his good looks and charms. Somehow he would manage to manoeuvre these young ladies to a deserted area of the park. A dark, isolated spot. When there, he would rape them and then hack their body to pieces with the knife and axe he would carry on his person at all times.
Now for the most horrific part – as if rape, murder and mutilation weren’t enough – he would sometimes have sex with the dead bodies, before cooking the choice parts of his victim’s, there, at the scene of the crime, and eating them. He would take the rest of the body home with him, invite friends over for dinner the next night, and serve them a lovely roast.

One night he had friends over for dinner. For reasons unknown, he took one friend into another room, killed her, and began dissecting her right there in the room. His other friends heard the commotion and came in to the room to check on what was happening. What they saw naturally terrified them, so they fled. Of course they called the police, but by the time the police arrived, Nikolai had taken off – but not for long. He was arrested the next day, and was on trial a year later.
(Another version states it was two town drunks invited back for dinner who alerted police upon discovering a womans severed head in the kitchen).

There are two different stories about where he is located today. One says he is locked up in an asylum, isolated from the public by a barbed wire fence. Another tells that he is a free man, having the right to move around within the European community, although living in an asylum, as (quite rightly) nowhere else will accept him. Either way, he’s still alive, and that’s scary enough.