APPI organised a private 'Extreme Ghost Tour' to learn about the history and hauntings.
A Brief History

Set on a picturesque property which, in its heyday, covered 74 acres, the Q Station has a sordid and tragic past.
Initially known as “Spring Cove”, the site was first used for quarantine purposes in 1828, when the Bussorah Merchant ship was detained due to an outbreak of Smallpox.
In time, any sign of sickness on a ship would make the vessel diverge from its intended path, to dock at the Q Station. Passengers would be assessed, before either being incarcerated for illness, or released to continue with their journey around Australia. Forty days was the standard period of time that people were incarcerated, and during its 140 years of operation, 580 ships were detained, with more than 13,000 people being quarantined.

The most famous of the ships Quarantined was the Lady McNaughton, which arrived in Sydney Harbour in 1837, riddled with Typhus. En route, 54 passengers had lost their lives, and many more were sick. When they were unloaded at the Q Station, 13 more passengers passed away, in what was described as “truly appalling conditions with a sense of misery, wretchedness and disease present everywhere.”
The Q Station closed for quarantine purposes in the 1984, as the advancement in modern medicine made it obsolete. It is now a popular place for people to visit for ghost tours and a five star hotel with a highly graded function centre.
But naturally, what we want to talk about here are the ghost tours.
What They Offer

The Extreme Ghost Tour is definitely for the grownups! This tour differs in that it speaks of the malevolent spirits who have been detected, and of experiences which have been had, that are not quite so pleasant. Rape, murder, betrayal... all are covered on this tour.

There are always mixed reviews when it comes to ghost tours. Many people think that if they are paying good money, they should be entitled to an experience. Unfortunately it is beyond the tour guides control as to whether a ghost decides to pop out of the showers and say boo.
Our Experience

The second spookiest would have to be the hospital. The images it conjures up with its almost medieval equipment and ancient looking hospital beds do nothing to dull the imagination.

I’d definitely return.
Put together by Ashley Hall 2013