That night, when grave robbers dug her up in order to take her wedding ring, Margorie sat up - she had been prematurely buried!
Margorie walked home, where upon seeing her, her husband also died from fright!
Poor Margorie McCall... however she remarried, had a full life and when death once again visited her she was buried BACK in her grave.
Premature burial was not an entirely rare thing back a century or more ago (or even today in some places). In this case it was lucky that 'resurrectionists' were working in the area of Lurgan, Northern Ireland, at the time - graverobbers - seeking corpses to sell to the anatomy schools or, as in this case, to take anything of value from the buried corpse.
However this story is repeated as taking place elsewhere and over different time frames. It is possibly (nay, probably) folklore but many in Lurgan will state it is true and that they have Margorie's headstone to prove it... regardless of the fact that it was put in place 150yrs after the events were said to have taken place...
Either way, a bit of interesting fiction never hurt now and then.
By Ashley Hall - The Paranormal Guide