Fact or Fiction? You Decide!
A Jotting Ghost
Security entered the building and the office but were unable to see the figure, though it was still visible in the feed. This baffled them and the team was able to walk up to it and through the image and still were unable to detect anything.
They were convinced it was a ghost.
The image has been seen on other occasions, even during the daytime. It was also picked up on a news camera while a segment was being shot about the apparition.
Others that it may just be a reflection on a plastic/glass screen set just behind the desks though it is not always visible and nothing is in the room that could make the image (so has been said). Also, at the time there was definitely no-one in the room.
What do you think?
Ghost caught on tape?
A random set of objects coincidentally causing a believable figure in reflection?
Or possibly a complete hoax?