But have you ever wanted to find out anyways?
1) Have you ever lived in a haunted house?
2) If yes, did you later move from that house?
3) If yes, did the haunting seem to stay back at your old house ie. did not follow you?
4) If yes, finally, have you ever wanted to know if subsequent owners / tenants of your old house have had experiences similar to what you had while living there?
It is always an interesting thought, and one that would be really interesting to get an answer too... but It would probably not be the greatest thing, to walk up to your old home, knock on the door (or leave a note) and ask if the owner/tenants have had any strange experiences there that might correlate with your own. Although there is a chance they might have, they might not, and you may just be setting a seed of paranoia in their mind, something that is never good to feel in your safe haven.
However, there is the chance they may be living with something they dont understand, are scared, but unable to turn to anyone as it all seems 'crazy'.
I am definitely not suggesting anyone take any specific action in this situation, you make your own minds up about what is right and wrong... but I thought it is an interesting topic for discussion.
Have you been in this situation, wanting to know more about a past home and the new occupiers experiences?
Have you ever been at home to have someone drop in out of the blue to talk to you about hauntings they themselves have experienced there prior to your buying / renting of the property?
What about the reverse, would you like to find out if past owners have experienced activity in the home you are now living in?
What would you do / have you done in these situations?
Tell us what you think. If you have never been through this yourself comment with how you would feel about the given situations.
Please leave your stories and experiences in the comments below!
Asked by Ashley Hall - The Paranormal Guide