However, it seemed that the two dead crewmen stayed a while longer, appearing in the water and waves to many about the ship, and were eventually snapped in this photo.
Fact or Fiction? You Decide!
Deaths on the Watertown
Their names were James Courtney and Michael Meehan.
Meehan was thought to have succumbed to the engine and oil fumes first as his body was found with Courtney's draped over it - possibly an attempt was made by the later to drag the former to safety?
At the time the Watertown was travelling from New York City towards the Panama Canal so as befitting tradition the two men were 'buried at sea'. When asked if anyone would like to say some final words for their deceased crew members no one made a sound, it is thought that Courtney and Meehan were not well liked... possibly why they ended up with the cleaning task in the first place.
However, it would not be the last Courtney or Meehan would be seen about the ship.
Their Faces in the Waves
And proof he did get. When Courtney and Meehan next 'appeared' he took six photographs then sealed the camera away until they next reached port to have them processed. Upon development five photos showed nothing but water and waves but the sixth had captured the faces and no tampering was found to have taken place with the camera or film.
There has been several investigations into the photograph (the negative long lost) and many conclude the images to be genuine and not to have been 'touched up'... but there are those that believe there are some irregularities with the photos as presented – they certainly come from a past era where many spiritual fakes and frauds were exposed.
Was the image of the dead sailors faces caught on film?
Is it something else... a imperfection that took place during the development process?
Maybe it is just our brains picking up patterns leading us to believe we are seeing faces?
Or maybe it was an outright hoax?
Fact or Fiction, you decide!
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