More than half of all reported alien encounters in the United States are described as beings who are short, hairless, grey in color, with large heads, prominent black eyes and long thin fingers.
Little Grey Men

It is irrational and illogical to think, or presume, that we are the only 'intelligent' beings that have emerged. Many have claimed that proof exists of early men being visited and perhaps "guided" in various sciences and teachings by extra-terrestrial beings, who many believe have shaped (and continue to shape) a integral part of human history.
Many also believe we are the result of genetic and/or sexual experimentation by these beings with early man. Cave markings and drawings do indicate perhaps "Gods" did appear to man, and they have various descriptions and forms.

These beings are generally described in most encounters as small beings,about 2-4 feet high, and have a grey skin colour. Having huge heads and large black eyes, they are said to be sexless (without gender), hairless and have near unnoticeable ears, mouth or nose. They communicate, it is said, by telepathy.
Over the years descriptions have varied but most stay true to this general depiction.
Many "abductees" claim it is this race of beings who abduct humans and perform tests of an anatomical or sexual nature, and it is claimed sometimes they leave metallic implants in their human "guinea-pigs" to trace them.
Many people in the UFO community and New Age followers disagree about their motives and agenda, with many claiming they may be behind many other phenomena associated with UFOs including cattle and human mutilations.
Many sceptics have argued over the years about the existence of these beings, claiming the once thought origin of this race was attributed mainly due to the Hill abduction, however many see descriptions of similar creatures appearing in science fiction works such as The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds, both by H.G.Wells. Many have argued that these pieces of literature may have had some lasting impact on the Hills and they constructed a story from "memories" associated with the works of fiction.

In Steven Spielberg's film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, the Greys are depicted as the invisible antagonists behind the disappearances of many people, ships and planes over the years and pursue a small boy for most of the film. Many see them ending the film as "benevolent", returning everyone and taking a possibly deranged Richard Dreyfuss with them.
Over the years many conspiracy theorists have begun to link Greys with a malevolent agenda, working with secret Government groups at places such as Area 51and perhaps making an agreement with many world leaders in regards to sharing their technology in exchange for humans and cattle. An example of this can be found in numerous works of fiction, most notable the popular TV series The X-Files, in which many elements were bought together to form a major storyline running through its nine season long run.
From cartoon series such as South Park and American Dad, Greys have become the "image" of alien life in popular culture, and there are many who believe they live among us taking on human form, watching and adapting to Earth life. It is claimed the small beings we have associated with Greys are actually small robotic clones of taller beings, who may have more benevolent reasons for being here and perhaps, as many in the New Age community believe, want to help Humanity evolve and become a part of a Galactic community of beings, living in peace and harmony.
Do Greys exist?
Are they 'alien' or could they possibly be Demonic or Angelic beings?