Legends persist of mysterious patient deaths being the cause of the hospitals sudden closure in the 1990's, their tortured souls lingering on in this creepy, abandoned facility.
Closed Before Its Time?

The building has a look of one that has long been abandoned, but the truth is it was only shut down, albeit suddenly, in the late 1990's. Although many reasons are given for this facility’s sudden closure, the most popular story states that for ten years patients and staff were suddenly, and inexplicably dying, found dead in their rooms or at their desks in their offices.

Stories of a mad doctor make their way through South Korean chat rooms and websites dedicated to the supernatural, as did tales of hideous experiments. Whether or not there was a mad doctor offing his patients and staff will probably never be made clear, and there certainly is no public knowledge of an investigation into such activities having ever taken place within the hospital.
However, another side of the story states the hospital’s sanitation was not up to code, and with the owner having left the country, it was thought most cost effective to close the facility and transfer the patients elsewhere.
Exploring this Massive Location

Regardless of the reason for closure, those who have visited the slowly crumbling ruin can attest to the fact that the hospital looks as though it was abandoned in a hurry. Beds, desks and other patient furnishings still remain within the rooms. Doctors examination rooms still contain dusty white coats, rusting exam chairs, and in some cases, paperwork. Patient’s personal effects can also often be found, games, books, photo frames...

Should one manage to find the entry, it is also not made easy with every possible entrance on the ground floor barricaded, boarded up, with metal bars crisscrossing doorways and windows. However, should you make it inside, you will find a place where the light of day does not shine, the central rooms and corridors in perpetual inky blackness as you pass through, hoping something does not lurk in the shadows.
A Haunting

Did the untrimmed nails of a former patient’s ghost cause the wounds, or was it from the shards of glass that have been said to be hurled about the halls and rooms?
Shadows, voices, moans and screams would also likely be on the agenda as the residual presences of the patients and staff linger on in the intimidating Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital.
For an awesome album with heaps more photos check out SteveSmash on flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/stevenchea/sets/72157627475012619/