June 6, 1981

The monsoon like weather slickened the tracks and muddied the ground either side and run-off raised the water levels of the Baghmati River. Although these factors came to play in the following tragedy it was something else, something that in any other situation would have proven to be quite mundane that was the trigger.
A ordinary run of the mill cow decided to cross the tracks.
As the train sped towards the bridge crossing the Baghmati River the Hindu engineer saw the cow. As killing a cow is somewhat taboo in the Hindu religion the engineer sought to avoid running it over. He applied the breaks too hard causing the train to slide down the rails sending the last seven passenger cars to derail and fall into the river.
The cars submerged quickly with 600 people losing their lives. 286 bodies would later be recovered but over 300 would never be found.
It is India's worse train accident. It is not known what became of the cow.
June 7, 1692

It was considered to be one of the most wicked, sinful and lewdest city in the Christian world and as such many saw the devastation of 1692 as just and the work of god.
Homes, warehouses, offices and other buildings needing to support the port crammed just about every flat surface, and those not so flat. The city started to extend out over the water, such was the need for more land.
In 1688 a small quake hit the port and knocked over a few buildings. The damage was not great and business and shipping continued as normal. Some looking back over the disaster to come may have thought it had been a warning.
Four years later, late in the morning of June 7, 1692, three massive earthquakes struck the region, toppling houses in both Port Royal and the other towns and cities. With the severe shifting of the Caribbean and Gonave tectonic plates nearly two thirds of Port Royal sank into the sea.
Following this a tsunami surged through flooding the rest of the island. The power of the water was so great that at least one ship, the HMS Swan was carried from the harbour, taken inland where it was deposited on top of a building.
Corpses from the quake/tsunami floated in the waters bobbing along next to the corpses that the deluge had ripped up from the cemetery. Death was all around and as the water submerged the geography of the region was quite different and over 3000 people were dead.
With so many dead and with Port Royal no where near as inhabited today as it once was it is thought the spirits outnumber the living several times over.
June 8, 1984

I could say more but I think I'll let it speak for itself, however give me some of your favourite lines from the movie!
(even though I would not say it is 'dark history' it is perfectly acceptable for a page about all things paranormal, strange, dark and macabre!)