Lost Worlds

In 1944 an American fighter pilot by the name of Duane Hodgekinson reported observing a strange bird-like creature taking off from a clearing in a jungle in Papua New Guinea. His claims that he saw a pterodactyl, a creature that is supposed to have died out 65 million years ago with the dinosaurs, was met with scorn and ridicule.
However,since the end of WWII, there have been more than a dozen sightings of what local tribes have named "The Demon Flyer" or Ropen, a creature that is, in virtually every encounter, described as having "feather-less,leathery skin,a large crested head that resembles a spike and a beak with razor-sharp teeth". The creature is almost always said to have a wingspan of over 30 feet, and some reports indicate that it may have an ability to emit a bio-luminescent light from its body, like fireflies.

Natives also believe the creature is a spirit that dwells in the mountains, and also eats the flesh of the dead by digging up newly deceased villagers graves.
Every expedition to the island has yielded fascinating discoveries of new species of creatures, from insects to marine and bird life, and many biologists believe that reports of the creature may be mis-identifications of a yet unknown species of large bat. However, like the natives in the Congo, locals here have picked out pictures of flying dinosaurs rather than bats or birds when shown pictures of known animals.
So, once again, the question is posed; have dinosaurs managed to survive a purported extinction event that possibly occurred 65 million years ago?
The Ropen

There is no indication however from the fossil record that these creatures were able to transmit any kind of bio-luminescent energy or light. The creatures survived all 3 major periods of dinosaur reign on the planet, and many cryptozoologists believe that they have survived to this day and age, hiding in the remoteness of New Guinea. However,there is no physical or video evidence to support this, only anecdotal, and many treks have been made in pursuit of the Ropen, but nothing has been brought back.
In 1986 a man was said to have been killed by the Ropen near a former military base. The creature is said to have snatched the man up and flew 40 feet off the ground before the poor guy was dropped, either killing or incapacitating him, then the creature picked him up and flew into a nearby tree and ate the man in front of his fellow villagers!
Are we still sharing the planet with huge sized reptiles, once thought to be the dominant species before something occurred and was said to have caused their mass extinction?
If so, could huge flying reptiles still be flying the skies and perhaps be the cause of some disappearances of people?
And if these creatures are able to emit their own light, are they perhaps responsible for some UFO sightings at night?
Put together by Ashley Hall 2014