October 8, 1361

Probably best to start at the start...
One morning in Autumn a gentleman in the court of King Charles was awoken by the sound of a scratching at his front door. Upon investigating the noise he found a dog standing there. He recognised it as belonging to one of his friends Aubrey de Montdidier. The dog was trying to get the man’s attention, but he ignored it and the dog wandered off.
For several days the dog visited the gentleman and other friends of Montdidier, but no one registered anything wrong, that is until they realised they had not seen Montdidier for quite a while. They called at his house to find no one there, except his dog, now half starved.
The dog was fed then once again attempted to get their attention, but they let him wander off into the night alone. The next time he was seen the dog was much more insistent, grabbing one of their shirts in his teeth and tugging gently, this time they decided to follow, and follow him they did.
He led them out of Paris and into the Bondy Forest. They continued on until the dog stopped at a tree and began to let out a howl and started to dig. The men joined the animal and there they found Aubrey de Montdidier who must have been slain many days earlier.
But who had killed him?

It turns out Macaire and Montdidier had been rivals, and with Macaire now fully under scrutiny as being the murderer, King Charles called for a trial and 'judgement by God's favour', essentially meaning a duel to the death... the loser to be seen as being in the wrong in this situation.
Stands were created and an arena constructed. The duel took place with Macaire being given a club and the dog (sometimes named 'Dragon') expected to use its teeth and claws. The dog was victorious, Macaire called for mercy while in the dogs grip and confessed to the crime.
Macaire was beheaded on the Isle of Notre Dame.
October 9, 1992

Michelle Knapp was the owner of the Malibu and had only just purchased it for about $300US. However, now that a bowling ball sized piece of space rock had smashed through the car, it was worth a lot more – she sold it for $10,000US to a collector of meteorites.
The Peekskill meteorite, which had embedded itself into the driveway, was sold to three dealers for $69,000US.
Not a bad day for Michelle Knapp!
October 11, 1987

For centuries, witnesses have reported sighting a large monster with a long neck in Loch Ness, Scotland. Famous photographs have been proven to be hoaxes, but still the myth of the monster has persisted.
On 11 October 1987, "Operation Deepscan", a major sonar exploration of the Loch, was undertaken by a team of 20 cruisers. High-tech sonar equipment bounced sound waves to the bottom of the lake, electronically recording any contacts. Three sonar contacts showed up as crescent shaped marks, but the results of the sonar test did not indicate there was anything unusual on the bottom of Loch Ness. "
From Today .net