September 24, 1985

However, in China in 1985, a farmer got quite lucky with what he found. While preparing a chicken after having killed it for the evening meal he was shocked to find quite a beautiful stone amongst the grains and seeds in its belly. On closer inspection he discovered it was a rather large, 1.18 carat uncut diamond.
The farmer took the diamond into town where he sold it for quite a bit of money - three times the amount he could earn in a year - but it is speculated that the stone was worth a lot, lot more money than that.
September 27, 1722

The Dobhar-chu is a water dwelling creature that is described as being half dog and half fish/otter. It is apparently a vicious beast, especially considering what it did to poor Grainne/Grace who was going about washing her clothes at Glendale Lough.
Grace was wading in the river, scrubbing her clothing, when she was attacked. Her husband was alerted by her screams and quickly rushed to the waterfront to see what was taking place. Unfortunately he was too late, Grace was already dead and the Dhobar-chu was standing on her devastated body.
Grace's husband went to battle with the half dog half otter and got the best of it, stabbing it through the chest but the battle was not over. As the creature died a high pitch whistle escaped its lips and another Dhobar-chu rose out of the waters. Fortunately the man was able to get the upper hand again and the second beast was slain.
September 28, 1988

At Dorchester Prison, New Brunswick, an inmate walks up to guards station proclaiming "That piece of shit is down on the range. Here's the knife, I've sliced him up.". The knife in question was handed to a guard who then went out to see who was 'sliced up'. There, near his cell was Roch Theriault, a savage wound to the neck. Theriault was serving a life term for the murder of one of his followers back in 1988. Theiault was the leader of the 'Ant Hill Kids' cult and not a very nice person.
Theriault formed the cult in 1977 in Ontario, Canada, as a way to bring together a community that would live sin free, listen to his beliefs and speeches and have an existence of unity and equality. That did not last long as Theriault had a drinking problem and became very controlling – no talking between members without his presence, no sex without his permission and no contact with family members from outside the group.
When 'God' told Theriault of the impending apocalypse of 1979 (or so he said) the commune was moved to a much more secluded location where things got very bad for his followers. The end of the world never eventuated but still, during the 1980's Theriault had more than forty followers who obeyed his every whim. Theriault married all of the women and had more than twenty children.
He was very big on dealing out extremely savage punishments for anyone who disobeyed him. He was also quite paranoid and would sometimes physically abuse members because 'God' told him they had sinned. He would hit them with belts and hammers. If humiliation was in order he would suspend them from objects and have members perform their bodily functions on them.
But it was on September 28, 1988 that Theriault went too far as seen by his followers. One of his followers, Solange Boilard, complained of a stomach illness and Theriault thought he would deal with it himself, heal her of her sickness.
To begin with he had Boilard lie naked on table where she was punched in the stomach before having her abdomen cut open. Theriault then ripped out part of her intestine with his bare hands before he had another member sew her up. Solange died from this 'procedure' but Theriault figured he could resurrect her.
The attempted resurrection process was even more ghoulish than the operation procedure causing the death. He drilled a large hole into Boilards bodies skull then sexually assaulted the cavity with several other male members. Boilard was then buried but Theriault kept one of her ribs to wear around his neck.
It was at this point many members of the group began to fall to the wayside, questioning their loyalties, but none left. Well not immediately anyway. It was not until 1989 that the outside world learned of what was taking place within the 'Ant Hill Kids' when Theriault applied a welding torch to another member, Gabrielle Lavallee's genitals, forcibly removed some of her teeth with pliers, had a finger cut off and then had her arm amputated.
It was at this point that Lavallee fled the cult and reported their activities to authorities.