Over the years I have received several emails from people that seem to have shared a different type of experience, something they believe to be more ghostly in origin.
An 'Organic' Wailing

For six years the sender had camped annually on the site and although the UFO encounters were not always present something else was. On five of those six camps he recalled an eerie high pitched wailing disturbing either his night sky watching or his sleep. He said the wailing seemed to originate from the South east of where he typically camped. The noise, believed to be 'organic' put a fear in him so great that he dared not go and investigate what could be making it.
Although he was not local to the area he did say he was from similar country and he had never heard a sound like it before. He did not think it could have been any of the animals native to the area.
The sender of the email was convinced it was a ghost or other such spirit but in his online investigations he could not find any other stories relating to a possible haunting of the area. Maybe a look at the history of the location will grant more of an insight into what it was that he was experiencing?

It was not long before parties went out to claim a price for the white blood spilt. Aboriginal tribes and populations in the area were either round up or ambushed being shot, some tribes almost completely annihilated.
Soon after the first great overland livestock drive passed through the area. The heads of the drive, Ralph and John Milner, stopped at the marbles in order to allow the five thousand odd sheep, goats and horses to feed. The Milners would not soon forget this stop as soon they saw amongst the large boulders over three thousand of the animals laying still, dead. They had eaten the poisonous plants that grew amongst the boulders.
In 1948 25 year old constable Maxwell Gilbert was returning to Tennant Creek from the town of Wauchope. Accompanying him was a 'black tracker'. At about 2pm the car suddenly overturned killing the constable but throwing the tracker free. At 3:30pm an employee of the Department of civil Aviation found the wrecked can and dead constable laying together upturned at the base of one of the marbles boulders.
The location of the devils Marbles is very significant to the Alyawarre, Kayteye, Warumunga and Warlpiri people. To them the marbles are known as Karlu Karlu and the significance stems from many of their Dreaming stories. Although you can find some of these stories in books and online many of the stories are not told outside of the close circle of traditional owners.
It was not until 2008 that ownership of the Karlu Karlu/Devils Marbles was passed back to the traditional owners however the park is leased to the Parks Service. Just like Uluru/Ayers Rock it is encouraged that you do not remove anything from the site both out of respect and to make sure you do not gain the attention of the spirits in the area.
Another Strange Encounter

A photographer (name omitted at request) had been visiting the marbles for the last three years slowly taking photos of the formations in different seasons as a long time project. As they would take pictures throughout the day in all the differing light conditions they would camp nearby in order to collect those essential sunrise and sunset shots as well as some night time photography.
It was one night in January 2014 that they ran into something they neither understood nor could fully describe as it was sudden yet incredibly bizarre.
At about quarter past one in the morning they were awakened by a strange wailing sound coming from over the boulders. The sound seemed to come from multiple directions but then would have a single point of origin then break up again. The photographer left the tent to go and have a look for themselves. Although it was a terrifying noise they figured a photographic opportunity may present itself.
They walked towards the marbles when they saw something that caused them to stop and nearly to run – a fast moving black shadowy object was quickly passing amongst the rocks, the wailing definitely coming from its directions. Every five or so seconds it would stop at one point (the wailing could then be traced coming from that one point) before it would be on the move again.
There did not seem to be any rhyme or reason for what was taking place, for any pattern it may have been making or why it would stop where it stopped. Unfortunately the photographer did not stay and watch for long as on this things fourth pass it stopped quite close, the wailing turned into more of a murmur and the photographer could tell its attention was focussed on him.
He left at that point.
He did not get a photo though he is determined to return to see what he can capture 'on film'.
The Devils Marbles are located along the Stuart Highway about an hours drive south from Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, Australia.
Put together 2014