They affected his home, his relationship – every part of his life… until he met someone who could help him… read his story here.
An Eventful Walk

I was honestly freaked out, but we kept going. We approached the path and she froze. She was just standing still, staring at something. I keep asking her “What’s wrong? What’s wrong?” But she wouldn't answer.
That was the point when all hell broke loose. She said to me “I think we should leave.”
We were walking back to the entrance when we both just started seeing these huge shadow figures. We started running at this point, because they seemed to be running all over the place.
When we got to the gate I asked her what she saw (she’s sensitive to Spirits and the like.) She said she saw a man, yelling at us saying "you’re not welcome here get out now!" As the next few hours passed, we brushed it off.
The next day I went out there alone, deciding to confront whatever was there, and to make sure it left us alone. I know the land owner and I was shouting this, and adding that we had the right to walk in those woods.
I might as well have been poking a bear with a stick. As soon as I said what I came to say, and started walking home, there was a sudden change to the woods behind me. The birds were going absolutely crazy. I began hearing loud thumping footsteps next to me, which seemed to make the birds caw and fly away. I was approaching a field in which I play paintball when out nowhere an 'orb' of light whizzed by my head.
Things Take a Turn for the Worst

I heard heavy footsteps, slowly coming down the stairs. Thump....thump....thump....thump My cat was watching the stairs, eyes bugging out. I knew that nobody was home, so I was dumbfounded. Nobody appeared at the end of the stairs.
A week later I was laying on my bed with my girlfriend, starring at the ceiling. She turned to me and asked "What’s that black and red blob on your ceiling?”
I replied “what blob?”
"You don't see that blob on your ceiling?" she asked again.
I again replied, no.
From out of nowhere, I started feeling horribly depressed and angry, and for no specific reason.
I was afraid to be in my own home. I would go in to the woods, or to see my girlfriend at her house, anything I could think of to stay away from my house.
At my worst point I found myself shouting out loud “GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE, YOU’RE NOT WELCOMED HERE. GET LOST!!!”
The activity stopped for a while.
I thought the spirit was a former landowner of the woods from the description my girlfriend and the current landowner gave.
Nothing else of significance happened until my girlfriend started attending a cult-like religious school.
I’m not going to go into personal details about our near breakup over religion, (everyone in that school said I was going to hell for my beliefs.) She is a Christian and I am a Heathen (Asatru). It seemed something was following her at that school. Something dark was influencing a lot of the girls there, with many of them attempting suicide. She and her friends were sitting in the main lobby of their dorm when they saw a black misty figure walking across the hallway. Something was following her for a long time and still may be following her.
Ouija Boards and Exorcisms

I will never forget what happened later that night!
She was laying on my bed staring at my ceiling. Suddenly her eyes rolled back into her head, and she started laughing in this horrible voice! It was not her voice! I rushed downstairs for help, and when my mom and I came upstairs, she was sitting up dumbfounded.
I will tell you now, she has never seen me cry like she did that night, in the 5 years we have been together.
I sought help from my friend, who also happened to be my ex-girlfriend, because she’s dealt with the paranormal her whole life. Its really strange how this all happened, she put together what happened and traced it back to her, because the night I asked for her help, it visited her and she knew.
This was a demon that had haunted her for 5 long years. I knew something big was about to happen.
Before she and I started dating she used to play with Ouija boards. One day the board told her she would be a mother very soon, and it freaked her out so badly she stopped. She said goodbye but nothing happened.
She and I broke up and a year later she fell pregnant to somebody else. The father of her baby is a real piece of trash, a hardcore Satanist (not all of them are bad in my view) but he is filth, he has something really bad attached to him to this day, which they call Behemoth. This Behemoth once visited me in a dream.
Well my ex-girlfriend and the father of her baby did not get along. When she left him, he was angry. He turned up to her house and scribbled something on her window, and that is how the demon came into our lives. She has told me this demon is supposedly a very high ranking demon that it is said to be the right hand of Lucifer. He goes by several names, Zoel being his favourite.
As I mentioned previously, this demon tormented her for 5 long years before she could get rid of him, he had no one else to torment or corrupt so he came to me to get to my girlfriend, and to get back at my friend.

I was relieved of some of the torment when I was given an exorcism by my friends husbands sister, who's a medium. It was a very strange and powerful experience, she reached to shake my hand and immediately locked tight onto my hand, then she started screaming at me, at which point they all said I was growling at her.
I have a memory of this, it felt like I was being influenced to growl. My friend, her husband and the medium all held hands around me and started praying.
The medium is not exactly a Christian because she follows all forms of belief, so let’s just call her a shaman. I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, and the wind was howling madly (it was done outside.). After they preformed the exorcism I could see a black shadow running away, and I felt like my bubbly old self again.
After the ritual the medium gave me a Celtic protection amulet and told me that I must wear it for they cannot harm me while I am wearing it.
However they can and are still testing me for weak points. The night after the ritual I saw one of the female demons in my dreams. She looked like an elf, pale yellow skin and huge black eyes. I will never forget those eyes. They are still in our realm and I am almost positive they are still in the woods.
A week and a half later she contacted me to tell me how to rid them from the woods. I was to make an oath with the trees of the woods. If I did this I would seal the door between this world and the next for all spirits that do not belong there.
So I slowly gained the courage to go out there. That day was a special day, I went out there with my 22. rifle, shirtless with the sun shining on me, I hugged the greatest of the trees out there and said “Join me in an alliance against all evil. Take my energy and give me yours, may this woods stand long after I am gone.”
I did this with a dozen trees. By time I was done, it felt so strange out there. I went home.
A few days went by and she contacted me telling me the spirits say “My oath was successful and the darkness has left”. She recommended I offer tobacco to the Natives and to the land which I did. My girlfriend had an experience after we did this, She saw a Native American couple, a man and a woman, making a hand gesture like they were pleased with what we had done.
Those woods feel and look so much brighter now.
I still feel them from time to time, trying to latch on to me, trying to lure me back into their grasp.
Put together by Ashley Hall 2013