This demon is seen mostly as it is shown here with a lions head at the centre of a circle of five goat legs, allowing him to move in any direction. At other times Buer is depicted as looking like a centaur.
Demon of Hell

Description: A lions head with goats legs, allowing him to move in every direction.
Buer is described as a Great President of Hell in a 16th century grimoire named Pseudomonarchia Daemonum (which translates roughly to "false monarchy of demons".) He is said to have fifty legions of hell under his command.
He appears as a five branched star in a wheel shape – in other depictions he has the head of a lion with five goat legs. He gets around by rolling himself from place to place.
He is strange because although he is a demon of hell, he is also a teacher of philosophy, logic and herbal medicine, and he is a very skilled healer – he can heal all illnesses.
He appears when the Sun is in Sagittarius and is strongest during the month of May. He is said to be summoned during daylight using light blue candles, mercury and aloe.
Put together by Ashley Hall 2014