To hear the Banshee's piercing, mournful wail means that death will soon pay visit to you, your family or someone close by.
The Keening Wail

Description: In Irish mythology the Banshee is a female spirit, generally seen as the harbinger of death.
The legend of the Banshee can be traced back as early as the eighth century. It is thought the legend came from the old Irish tradition of women who would sing a lament (or a keening) to signify the death of someone.
Also known as the Bean Sidhe, the Banshee is a fairy from the folklore of Ireland, whose ‘keening’ is an omen of death – or more precisely – the cry predicts the death of a family member.
There are various descriptions of the Banshee. She is either a woman with long, red hair and very pale skin, or she is an old hag with dirty gray hair, rotten teeth and piercing red eyes.
The Irish believe the Banshee merely warns of an impending death, and is not the actual cause of it.
Put together by Ashley Hall 2014