Other sightings of the creature, and UFO's in the area, prompted a media storm, and soon the reports became international news. UFO's, aliens, cover ups and conspiracies would all become, what is now known as, the 'Varginha Incident'.
Spotting 'The Devil'

Lilane Silva, Valquiria Silav and their friend Katia Xavier soon fled the scene. Although the creature moved as if sick or injured, it was the red eyes that instilled terror into the group. They soon began to tell others that they had seen the Devil.
The story quickly travelled via word of mouth through the city, then the local media, before finally making it into the world spotlight.
However, the sighting by the three women that day was far from being the totality of incidents that took place with UFOs and Extraterrestrials during January, 1996. We will attempt to start at the beginning, and work forwards to the cover ups and conspiracies surrounding the 'Varginha Incident', while trying to keep it brief...
A Crashed UFO

About 90 minutes later two farmworkers were woken up by much noise and movement coming from the cows and sheep in the fields. Upon inspection they noted a silent flying object without lights (described as a cylinder and about the size of a mini bus), coming down in one of the fields. It was emitting a fog, and flying a little erratically.
In the early hours of the morning, a crashed object was retrieved and packed onto a flat bed truck. This was witnessed by an American Civilian. At least one EBE (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity) was witnessed at the scene, as a farmer claimed to have shot it.
A Creature Loose in Varginha

Just prior to this, the Varginha Fire Department received several calls, telling of a wild creature on the loose, running on all fours, in much the same way as a jaguar. On arrival at the scene, the military was already present and had contained the creature/animal.
At 3:30 in the afternoon the three girls, the two sisters Lilane and Valquiria and their friend Katia (aged 14 - 22) come across the creature on their way home from work. The creature looked sick or injured, and definitely a little frightened. Although one of the girls turned away in fear, the other two continued to look. However, when the creature inclined its head towards the group, all three ran in terror.
Half an hour later, Lilane and Valquiria's mother ventured to the scene, but witnessed no creature. However she (and several other witnesses) could smell the strong odour of something similar to ammonia.
For the rest of the afternoon and evening people watched as army patrolled the neighbourhoods surrounding those where sightings had taken place.
Later in the evening, a group of military personnel entered a park where the creature had been sighted. It is said that the captured creature was taken to a general hospital in the middle on Varginha City. Doctors and Nurses were suppressed, and several areas were declared off limits. Officials stated there was nothing to worry about, as it was just a military medical training exercise.
However, all witnesses to the movements were advised to keep quiet and not make any statements to the press.
The creature died in the hospital, where it was held for a further 30 hours, before being moved to a military occupied compound.
Essentially that is the end of the sightings in the Varginha Incident. It is not known whether it was one creature, or several different creatures that were spotted, but many lean to the latter. Some sources state that up to six living creatures were captured and taken into custody, while several others were never apprehended.
The Militaries Explanation

Generally, it was 'military simulations' and 'training exercises' that was stated as being the cause for the heightened activity in the city. As for the creature... well the official explanation for that is a little more controversial.
Officials and the military claimed, that what the three girls had seen, was in fact, a 'deformed human'. Luis Antonio de Paula is that human in question. Luis was a deaf mute and spent quite a lot of his time walking the streets of the Santana and Jardin Andere (where the creature was spotted) neighbourhoods of Varginha City.
Although Luis did spend a lot of his time crouched over the pavement, or in the local parks studying insects, he was far from looking like the creature the girls described. Although he was slight of frame, he was in no way physically deformed.
Plus most people in those neighbourhoods were familiar with Luis as he was not a withdrawn person, but quite happy to chat and ask for things through gestures. The three girls all knew Luis, and one of them had 'chatted' with him on occasion.
His family had taken great offence to Luis being the scapegoat of the officials, in regards to the incident.
The creatures have been seen, on and off, since the original incident. Many of the locals claim that the creatures are living in caves, located in the woods/forests just outside of the city

A UFO shaped water tower was erected in the city as a symbol of the incident, with UFO tourism now making up a large part of Varginhas commercial activities.