The general public may scorn and ridicule, but many in the psychiatric community believe the phenomena is real, and occurs frequently.
Abducted by Extra-terrestrial Beings

You might recall talking to these beings and possibly see strange letters or shapes. You might have certain feelings and emotions attached to this "dream", and recall being back in your car or bed. You might start to experience paranoia, anxiety and feelings of dread and of "being watched".
Chances are you might find that you have experienced this before, and that you are re-calling an event or events that have occurred, but are perhaps too harrowing or traumatic for you to deal with on a conscious level.
Perhaps you have been, like many people across the planet, abducted by extra-terrestrial beings.
Since the beginning of recorded history there have been accounts of sudden mysterious disappearances of men and women, and folklore often attributes these occurrences to supernatural beings, such as fairies or spirits, taking humans for unspecified reasons, with no trace of these missing humans being seen of or heard from again.
It has only been since the 1960's that many have claimed that it is actually extra-terrestrial beings and not mythical/supernatural creatures that are behind people vanishing. Many in the general population may laugh and jest about the topic of "little green men probing people”, but the fact is Alien Abduction is a phenomena, and has been happening for many centuries.

Abductees, as they have collectively come to be known, almost always are returned and may or may not remember fully the experience, and are left with feelings of loss, pain and trauma, akin to perhaps rape victims.
Since the early 1960's people have reported abduction encounters that are very similar in tone and description, and the phenomena has become an intriguing aspect of UFOlogy, with any abduction experience being classed as "an encounter of the fourth kind".
The topic became more well-known in the mainstream public in 1957 when a Brazilian farmer claimed he was taken from his farm and had sex with an alien on board a spacecraft, however the first massively reported case in English speaking countries was, the famous Hill abduction case, where an inter-racial married couple claimed to have been taken from their car while returning from Canada.
Another well-known case is of Travis Walton, a logger who in 1975 claimed he was taken by small entities aboard a spacecraft. His story, however, has been blown up and exaggerated in a film adaptation to possibly fit with popular abduction lore, his encounter was much more mundane and less horrific.

Many abductees come to believe that they have been abducted several times, perhaps starting at childhood, and statistics show that females are more commonly taken. Some of these women have claimed they have been mothers to "hybrids", the offspring resulting from insemination by these entities that are said to be half human-half alien. Many have claimed to have had eggs and sperm taken forcefully from them, and many claim to have been implanted with small metallic chips to be located and catalogued.
Although Greys are usually the creatures said to be behind abductions, Reptilians and "Nordics" are other classes of extra-terrestrials said to also occasionally abduct humans and animals. Conspiracy theorists claim the major world governments are in league with several alien races, and have agreements with them regarding abductions and tests.
Many mental health professionals, scientists and paranormal researchers remain divided on this phenomena, and it is alleged that a lot more people are possibly abducted than is being reported and acknowledged.
What are your thoughts on the Alien Abduction Phenomena?
Genuine abductions by extra-terrestrials or a manifestation of some mental illness or a physiological glitch?