WARNING: Bad Language and Adult Themes
Welcome to The Paranormal Guide Podcast Two. In this episode Ash, Spils and Breht tackle a lot of your questions about the paranormal and themselves. What have been our strangest experiences on investigation? What do we think about near death experiences? Where do we place debunking on our list of priorities? What do we think will happen if life after death is proven and accepted??? Find out answers to these and more inside!
As usual the discussion is honest and full of dubious language... be advised.
Alternate Links:
Podcast direct: http://theparanormalguide.podbean.com/e/podcast-two-1426560163/
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/podcast-two/id528165236?i=337816803&mt=2
Welcome to The Paranormal Guide Podcast Two. In this episode Ash, Spils and Breht tackle a lot of your questions about the paranormal and themselves. What have been our strangest experiences on investigation? What do we think about near death experiences? Where do we place debunking on our list of priorities? What do we think will happen if life after death is proven and accepted??? Find out answers to these and more inside!
As usual the discussion is honest and full of dubious language... be advised.
Alternate Links:
Podcast direct: http://theparanormalguide.podbean.com/e/podcast-two-1426560163/
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/podcast-two/id528165236?i=337816803&mt=2
If you would like to leave a comment, ask a question, criticise, suggest or even for just some banter you can do so at: www.facebook.com/theparanormalguide drop it in the inbox there or email: [email protected] and we will address it on the show!